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A/C Tick Certification

A/C-Tick is the certification mark for telecommunications equipments granted by Australian Communications Authority (referred to as ACA). Manufacturers and importers must follow the following steps to use A/C-Tick:
1.Products conduct the test of ACAQ technical standards;
2.It is registered in ACA to use A/C-Tick;
3.Declaration of Conformity Form is filled out and preserved with the product conformity record for C-tick certification;
4.A/C-Tick label is posted on communication products or equipments;
5.Selling A-Tick is only applicable for communication products.most electronic products shall apply for C-Tick.however if the electronic products with A-Tick don’t need to apply for C-Tick.
Since November 2001.Australia EMI was merged with New Zealand EMI; the products shall prepare the following documents for the spot check of Australian Communications Authority (ACA) or Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand) before entering into the marketing of both countries:
1.Test report –it is only valid if it is issued by NATA or its mutual accreditation agencies.such as.NVLAP or A2LA.or else.there will be a higher possibility for sample tests.
2."Application to use the C-tick Mark" Form –it must be signed for responsibilities by Australian / New Zealand Companies or importers.
3."Supplier's Declaration of Conformity" Form –it must be signed for responsibilities by Australian / New Zealand Companies or importers. These manufacturers shall be responsible for ensuring sold products continue to meet EMI requirements
4.The original design charts and specifications (such as: circuit diagram.block diagram.User's Manual and Service Manual.etc.).
5.The inspection procedures in production shall be described to maintain EMI characteristics.
6.Any modification description that will affect the EMI.and necessary test records.
  • 本地服务:常州,合肥,青岛,南通,苏州,宁波
  • 咨询热线:1585-1991-892
  • 邮件:ce@weixin-ce.com
    Q Q:1050679162